
Showing posts from May, 2014

Leshy.The forest's host (Леший - хозяин леса)

What makes us believe in supernatural? Why do we search for immortal life? Have all myths got real base? Times change, views differ, faith remains, but there is a constant question if there is life after death. Travelling across Belarus you can come across with lots of legends and myths that have been collecting and retelling from generation to generation by village dwellers and ethnographers.    Forest in Belarus, Mohilyov's area This time I would like to tell you about the Forest's Host or Leshy. In Slavic mythology Leshy is a powerful male spirit of forest that can easily turn into various plants, animals , birds, people and can play tricks on local dwellers who come into his forest. Leshy protects his 'home' fervently. He may punish wicked and unkind forest visitors by leading them astray, making them sick or even tickling them to death. On the other hand, Leshy is helpful to kind and friendly people. He can teach them magic or help find the w

Pencil Shaving Craft

by TSvetrovA What can be easier than pencil shaving? What can be easier than putting these shavings straight into the bin?  However, what if we consider pencil shavings as one of the sources of inspiration? by TSvetrovA A craft, as much as a talent, requires special skills and a particular workmanship.  Any hobby takes our time, but this does not cause any frustration as a boring tiresome job. (We admit, there are plenty of people satisfied with their work.) One cannot earn all the world’s money, but one can earn a great experience of creating something by expressing oneself.   Pencil shaving craft does not demand special knowledge. All you need is your imagination, a couple of pencils and a good sharpener. Create and enjoy, take pictures and share.   There are a lot of people all over the world who use pencil shavings as a material for their handicraft. Thanks to the invention of a wooden holder in the 16th century and a pencil