
Showing posts from 2015

Bougainvillea (Бугенвиллия - тропическое украшение)

Bougainvillea Bougainvillea comes from tropical and subtropical areas of Central and South America. Nowadays Bougainvillea can grow in a warm mild climate around the world. Crimson bougainvillea is often used to decorate buildings in Crete. Bougainvillea in Crete Description Bougainvillea  is a plant with stiff curved thorns. Pollinated by bees, Bougainvillea’s flowers are quite plain and little. Its floral tubes are white and yellow. The leaves are bright green. They are arranged along the stem. The stalks of the flowers are in purple magenta bracts looking like fantastic paper butterflies. Its inflorescences usually consist of three flowers surrounded by three or six bracts. Why it is so gorgeous The flowers of bougainvillea are tiny and white. Obviously, the plant is so attractive thanks to its crimson bracts. Different kinds of bougainvillea can also be blue, yellow or red. The bracts are part of traditional decoration of the streets of the Mediterranean cou

Pancakes Oladi Recipe (Oladushki)

Oladi or Russian pancakes are favourite dessert in Russia, Belorussia and Ukraine. The Pancake Week during Maslenitsa (the first week before the Lent in spring) is a very cheerful time when you can try various oladi and blini. Originally pancakes have been connected with the Sun. They are yellow, hot and round. Ingredients: 1 ¼ cups flour ½ teaspoon baking soda 1 tablespoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 250 ml buttermilk or kefir Sunflower oil for frying Preparation Take a medium bowl. Put the flour, baking soda, sugar and salt together. Pour the kefir or buttermilk. Fold in two eggs. Stir to the smooth mass. Warm the sunflower oil on a frying pan. Form 4 or 5 circular pancakes with a scoop. Cook both sides of a pancake about 2 minutes. Flip over with a wooden spatula. Serve hot with jam, honey, sour cream or any of your favourite fruit.    Enjoy your oladi!    


Daffodils: Flowers of Spring Daffodils or Narcissus are popular flowers in Europe, as well as in North America, Northern Africa and in the Middle East. bunch of daffodils History of the Daffodil Daffodils have been known since 3 century B.C.E. In the Ancient Greek mythology the flower of Narcissus is a symbol of unrequited love, self-love and vanity. While on the British Isles the Druids considered it as a symbol of rebirth. The flower appeared every spring and gave hope for something new and pleasant. Later the yellow and white flower was connected with Easter, the Christian celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. In Wales, where the daffodil is the country’s symbol, people believe that if you find the first daffodil in the spring time, you will be very lucky all year round. Daffodils, spring flowers Effective remedy of daffodils The scent of daffodil oil cannot leave you untouched. The flowers may be white and yellow, yellow and orange. Strong stalks hold

Crete and Cretan dogs and shops

The Island of Crete is a wonderful place for your summer holiday. Heraklion, Chania, Agios Nokolaos, Malia are all waiting for tourists and holiday-makers. Crete, Cretan heat, Cretan dogs Cozy little shops in the town of Malia attract you not only by traditional leather goods, souvenirs like mugs, wooden phallic key-chains, fridge magnets, but also by cute pet guardians lying at the entrance. Cretan dogs, as well as Cretan cats, possess their own individual temper. They seem calm and reserved. Most of them are middle aged mongrels looking at passers-by very reluctantly. The Cretan heat makes everybody a little lazy. Smart dogs’ eyes see through you very well and share your feeling. Some of the smallest Cretan dogs may even bark at an unpretentious tourist who makes an attempt to buy something in “their” shop. Anyway, there is no harm to be barked at by such a funny little thing. Crete - Cretan Dog Cretan dogs need no map Sometimes one and the same doggie may be

Greece: Malia, Crete. Welcome!

The town of Malia never sleeps  Night clubs, bars, tavernas are open all night long. The best time for strolling along the streets is morning, when numerous European tourists sleep tortured by hangover and the town looks calm and cozy. Quad riders usually appear by noon. If you don’t belong to them, the constant wroom sound and crazy drivers may certainly irritate you. Malia, Crete, Greece A few words about Malia, Crete, Greece Malia is divided into the Old and New Town. In the Old Town you can find old churches, two- or three-storied buildings which are mostly white and blue or beige. The native men usually sit at little tables, smoking and chatting, in a street café, situated right below the balcony where old women in black skirts and white blouses watch tourists passing by. The local old women like sitting on chairs somewhere in the shade. The houses are neat. Some of them have windows without glass. The weather must be comfortable all year round. Grape, olive and p


Cradle of European civilization: Crete Crete is the cradle of European civilization, the Motherland of Zeus, the major Ancient Greek god, and just a wonderful island full of olive trees and friendly locals. view from the hotel Altis, Malia, Crete Briefly about Crete Crete is free from heavy industry. People produce olive oil and other olive goods, grow fruit and vegetables and raise cattle. Mountains, surrounding seas and fresh air make the island a convenient place for a living. No wonder, Cretan people are famous for their longevity. Crete, the Cretan Sea Tourist Information In comparison to some other islands, the highways are poorly lightened. Due to mountainous relief the speed restriction is usually 70 km/h. As the island is comparatively small, driving a car is the best way to travel around. It is easy to rent a car, quad or motor bike on Crete. The currency is Euro. English, German and Russian are the most popular languages at the tourist areas.

Quito: the sunny capital of Ecuador

Quito, the city of high altitudes Quito is the capital city of Ecuador. Located about 2.850 meters above sea level, the city is full of modern and old buildings, green spots and market stands. The altitude is quite a trouble which you can get used to in a couple of days. At first you would likely feel out of breath and your heart would beat faster than usual. In spite of that, the city is very lovely. It is the second biggest city in the country. It is famous also for being within about 1 km of zero latitude. Here you can see the monument dedicated to zero latitude. Monument to Latitude Zero Weather in Quito, Ecuador Besides, it is just 25 km of the equator. That is why there is no distinct winter or summer. There is always mild warm weather. You can wear a T-shirt and shorts all year round without thinking about buying a pair of winter boots. The people are nice and polite. They mind their own business. You wouldn’t be asked for money in the street or you wouldn’t be s

Dinosaur Fossils help understand the world

 the Royal Tyrrell Museum, Canada Where are dinosaur fossils found? Dinosaur fossils have been found on five continents of our planet. Taking into consideration Pangaea, the supercontinent surrounded by a super ocean about 100 million years ago, nowadays it is possible to find a dinosaur fossils even in Antarctica. What does "dinosaur" mean? The word ‘dinosaur’ was derived from two old Greek words which mean ‘terrible’, ‘lizard’. Fossil may be understood as any thing dug up. Fossilized bones as well as eggs and other evidence of the ‘terrible lizards’ help scientists, for example,  gather information about ancestors of birds and crocodiles.  the Royal Tyrrell Museum, Canada First skeleton of a dinosaur The first ever mounted skeleton of dinosaur was made in the nineteenth century. That age was full of discoveries and enthusiasm. The scientific world learnt about Iguanodon, Megalosaurus, Hadrosaurus etc. Impressions Today a thousand of speci

Save the hedgehog!

Save the hedgehog       Such a slogan was advanced in a local educational centre British School in Roslavl, Russia a few months ago. Let’s try to explain what it means and why it is important to save hedgehogs. Hedgehogs  As you know, some hedgehogs live in the forest and gardens in the countryside. They come out mostly at night as they are nocturnal mammals. However, it is possible to catch a look of a cute wandering hedgehog in the daytime as well. Their coats are thick and spiny.  Spines, hedgehog's location Do you know how long one spin e lasts?  For a year or so, then it drops thus giving a place to its replacement.  a hedgehog in the forest, Russia What does a hedgehog do to protect itself from the predators such as a fox? Right, they curl up into a spiny ball. Hedgehogs need plenty of space to explore, unfortunately, because of this hedgehog’s travelling spirit they are often run over by passing cars.  Hedgehogs and litter hedgehog in

Rakvere Castle in Estonia

Do you like natural resorts or do you prefer wandering around old towns full of ancient castles, cozy cafes, local attractions and fairy tales? To combine all these options, you are mostly welcome to Estonia, which history dates back to 9000 B.C. Tallinn What shall we learn before setting off for this north European country?  First, as Estonia possesses a humid continental climate, it is more pleasant for a visit in late spring or summer. Of course, if you enjoy all seasons nobody prevents you from travelling there at any time. Second, the official language is Estonian, however, it is possible to meet English or Russian speaking people almost everywhere. To be on the safe side, download an Estonian phrase-book. As Estonia became a member of the eurozone in 2011 its currency changed into Euro (sign: €, code: EUR).  Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia The capital city is Tallinn. Since the certification standards here are strict, accommodation in Tallinn is suppos

the Royal Tyrrel Museum, Canada

Canada, a museum with a wooly mammoth It is not a secret that Canada possesses a wide range of museums. If you turn out to be in Alberta, a western province of Canada, drop into the Royal Tyrrell Museum which is situated 6 km northwest from Drumheller or 135 km northeast from Calgary. wooly mammoth fossil in the Royal Tyrrell Museum, Canada Facts about the Royal Tyrrel Museum in Canada The museum was named in honour of the geologist Joseph B. Tyrrell who accidentally, while searching for coal seams, discovered the first dinosaur fossil in the Red Deer River valley in 1884.  The museum was opened comparatively not long ago, in 1985. It contains a series of chronological galleries including the 3.9-billion year old history of life on our planet! skull and tusks of the mammoth in the Royal Tyrrel Museum, Canada Exhibitions at the Royal Tyrrel Museum The Ice Age exhibition offers its visitors to have a glimpse at a wooly mammoth fossil. Scientists come to the c

Eiffel Tower

What is the Eiffel Tower? Paris, Seine River, Eiffel Tower Definitely it is a recognizable symbol of Paris. We may say it is an architectural wonder and the attraction for more visitors than any other loved by tourist places in the world. Eiffel Tower paint What was the tower for Gustave Eiffel and his contemporaries? 120 antennas First of all, the tower was built as the temporary entrance arch to the World’s Fair in 1889 in honour of the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. When the construction was erected, many regarded the massive iron structure with skepticism. A big amount of Parisians either considered it an eyesore or simply feared the tower. For instance, the novelist Guy de Maupassant allegedly detested the Eiffel Tower so deeply that he was frequently seen having lunch at its base. The reason for that turned out to be very clear. The novelist considered the restaurant to be the only vantage point from which he could avoid looking at the sil

White Russian

Travelling makes people not only get interested in views but also makes them thirsty. Tasting new dishes as well as new drinks is one of the necessary part of any trip abroad. White Russian in Russia A coctail is... As you know, a cocktail is a mixed drink which may contain several types of liqueur, cream, fruit juice and alcoholic beverage. There are plenty of cocktails and almost all of them have specific names, for example, Bloody Mary, Salty Dog or Dark and Stormy. White Russian No need to go far away to taste it. Just drop into the nearest bar and make an order. Classical proportions: 2 parts of Vodka, 1 part of Coffee liqueur and 1 part of cream. Here is the recipe of White Russian (for those who don’t want to go out ;) 1 serving: 50 ml (2 oz) Vodka; 25 ml (1 oz) cream; 25 ml (1 oz) Coffee liqueur; 100 g ice cubes. Pour Vodka and Coffee liqueur over the ice cubes in an-old fashioned glass. Add light cream and serve. Enjoy!