Salvador Dali Biblia Sacra

Exhibition of Salvador Dali’s Biblia Sacra Salvador Dali Biblia Sacra Exhibition A unique exhibition of Salvador Dali’s Biblia Sacra illustrations has been recently held in Smolensk, Russia. “The Sacred Message” from Spain arrived in the country of Repin, Levitan and Aivazovsky in connection with the year of Spain in Russia. The collection of graphics was created by Dali, the genius of surrealism, in 1963-1964. at the exhibition of Salvador Dali Biblia Sacra, Smolensk, Russia Salvador Dali’s Biblia Sacra illustrations Salvador Dali’s Biblia Sacra illustrations include 105 pieces of lithography printed on special hand-made paper. The technique of artwork is mixed: watercolours, ink, gouache, pastels and indelible pencil. The size of genuine works is not very big. They are about 48 cm wide and 35 cm tall. Most of them are signed by Dali. The illustrations display the key moments of the biblical history, from the making of the world till the crucifixion. Dali's Bi...