Cassiopeia Constellation Up in the Night Sky

How often do we watch the stars? How many constellations can you distinguish? Cassiopeia Constellation is one of the most noticeable constellations in the northern hemisphere. It can be observed all year round by the naked eye. Its ‘w’ or ‘ м ’ shape is quite distinctive. Cassiopeia Constellation has been known for more than 2000 years. Claudius Ptolemy, a prominent Greco-Egyptian astronomer, shared his knowledge of heavenly bodies in the Almagest, the oldest star catalogue survived to this day. Cassiopeia Constellation Myth Once upon a time there lived an arrogant queen of Aethiopia. Her name was Cassiopeia. She had a daughter named Andromeda. Cassiopeia was very pretentious and proud of her own beauty. She claimed that both her daughter and she were more beautiful than any of Poseidon’s daughters. Poseidon was god of the sea. His daughters were considered to be the most attractive sea girls with harmonious voices. Neither the beautiful sea nymphs, nor Poseid...