Sirius up in the sky

Briefly about Sirius Another bright star after the Polar Star in the northern hemisphere is Sirius. It is relatively close to our planet and can be easily observed by the naked eye. Sirius sparkles with red, green, white and blue. If you have no tiny idea about its colourful luminosity, you might take it for the lights of a plane blinking in the night sky. However, later you realize that no plane can remain so long at the same position so high above… Sirius in the sky and on paper How can you find Sirius? Only 8.6 light years separate us from Sirius. If you know where Orion is located, then it won’t be difficult for you to find Sirius which shines to the southwest of it. Sirius is a part of the constellation Canis Major. The Latin name can be translated as the greater dog. (The smaller one, by the way, can be found in the constellation Canis Minor.) Sirius, 30 June 2016 A binary star system Actually, Sirius is a binary star system. It means there is Sirius A and Sir...