
Showing posts from July, 2018

Climate. Squall Line

Recently we have faced a lot of weird weather games like snow in the Sahara, less severe Russian winters, rainy autumn-like summers accompanied with squall lines of thunderstorms, higher temperatures in northern districts etc. summer squall line Why does the Atmosphere change? Our atmosphere is dynamic. It is continually in motion due to such factors as solar radiation, ocean currents, atmospheric chemistry or the location of mountain ranges. In addition to that, people raise the atmospheric temperature by factory emissions speeding up climate change. visualized atmosphere What is a Squall Line? Having a dramatic look at the coming end of the world, a squall line usually stretches for hundreds of kilometers. It moves very fast with a wind-speed about 8 metres per second! In 2-3 minutes after you notice the squall, the scenery may change tremendously. As the line of thunderstorms is a long-lived windstorm which includes rapidly moving showers. While observing a squ

The Kohinoor Diamond

Kohinoor Diamond Most famous diamond The Koh-i-Noor Diamond is one of the oldest and most famous gemstones that can trace its long and vivid biography back thousands of years. Nowadays it weighs 108.93 carats. That is huge! Background The first mentioning is believed to be found in a Sanskrit script more than 5000 years ago. The gem was known as Syamantaka. During a long period the Koh-i-Noor (or the Kohinoor) remained in the possession of Old Indian Emperors. However, in the 18 th century, when a Persian general Nadir Shah, the Shah of Persia, invaded the Mughal Empire and conquered Delhi in the present-day India, the diamond was renamed. Since then the diamond has been known as Koh-i-Noor or Mountain of Light. Koh-i-Noor Queen Victoria In the 19 th century the diamond was given to Queen Victoria, in the British Empire. It was cut and polished into a Round Brilliant. In the last will of Queen Victoria there was an interesting point about the diamond. The K