Leshy.The forest's host (Леший - хозяин леса)

What makes us believe in supernatural? Why do we search for immortal life? Have all myths got real base? Times change, views differ, faith remains, but there is a constant question if there is life after death.

Travelling across Belarus you can come across with lots of legends and myths that have been collecting and retelling from generation to generation by village dwellers and ethnographers.   

Forest in Belarus, Mohilyov's area
This time I would like to tell you about the Forest's Host or Leshy. In Slavic mythology Leshy is a powerful male spirit of forest that can easily turn into various plants, animals, birds, people and can play tricks on local dwellers who come into his forest. Leshy protects his 'home' fervently. He may punish wicked and unkind forest visitors by leading them astray, making them sick or even tickling them to death. On the other hand, Leshy is helpful to kind and friendly people. He can teach them magic or help find the way out of the forest. Earlier when peasants herded cows they had to make a pact with Leshy so that he didn't graze the cattle or make it wander far into the forests.

ferns in the forest
Leshy is playful in his way. He imitates voices familiar to wanderers' making mushroomers get lost. He may kidnap young girls and sheep. That's why even shepherds used to make a pact with him too.

People in Belarus believe, Leshy looks like a farmer or a soldier. His clothes are usually turned inside out and he likes to wear the right boot on his left foot and vice versa. That's why after visiting forest and for further protection a person should put on his clothes likewise Leshy does.  
Leshy, home, Belarus

The size of Leshy differs according to the situation. In the wood he might be a giant like a huge pine or an oak. In the field he practises being as small as grass. He is quite cunning, you see.

The attitude to the forest differs in any culture. People from desert areas always wonder why some people need to walk and pick up mushrooms there. The answer is simple: The Forest is our spiritual home. It gives strength, it inspires not only artists and poets but also common dwellers. It used to be Hope for peasants for centures. It gave them wood and food. It protected from enemy, saved many lives. That's why we enjoy going to the forest: it's in our genes.   

The Slavs used to believe in Leshy. Who knows, may be now Leshy believes in us, in our power to protect forests and Mother Nature, no matter what culture we belong to.

Forest in Russia


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