Save the hedgehog!

Save the hedgehog     
Such a slogan was advanced in a local educational centre British School in Roslavl, Russia a few months ago. Let’s try to explain what it means and why it is important to save hedgehogs.


As you know, some hedgehogs live in the forest and gardens in the countryside. They come out mostly at night as they are nocturnal mammals. However, it is possible to catch a look of a cute wandering hedgehog in the daytime as well. Their coats are thick and spiny. 

Spines, hedgehog's location

Do you know how long one spine lasts? 
For a year or so, then it drops thus giving a place to its replacement. 

a hedgehog in the forest, Russia
What does a hedgehog do to protect itself from the predators such as a fox? Right, they curl up into a spiny ball. Hedgehogs need plenty of space to explore, unfortunately, because of this hedgehog’s travelling spirit they are often run over by passing cars. 

Hedgehogs and litter

hedgehog in the forest
Due to litter in some areas they get stuck in cans or inside other human-made things that certainly causes lethal outcome. To make things worse unapproved landfills full of left run down batteries poison the soil which might have given food to these tiny spiny creatures. As a result, people give hedgehogs, field mice and other animals no choice to survive. When do people realize that all flora and fauna we have nowadays belongs to a great heritage that must be carefully saved?

The chemicals in batteries

Save the hedgehog!
The right way of recycling batteries is one way out of this tragic situation. Of course, illegal landfills mustn’t exist at all. On the other hand, as long as ignorant people live this side of the coin will look always rotten. Because of the chemicals in batteries, rechargeable, lithium, lithium ion and zinc air batteries should be recycled.

Saving species is a way not to extinct ourselves. 


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