
Daffodils: Flowers of Spring

Daffodils or Narcissus are popular flowers in Europe, as well as in North America, Northern Africa and in the Middle East.
bunch of daffodils

History of the Daffodil

Daffodils have been known since 3 century B.C.E. In the Ancient Greek mythology the flower of Narcissus is a symbol of unrequited love, self-love and vanity. While on the British Isles the Druids considered it as a symbol of rebirth. The flower appeared every spring and gave hope for something new and pleasant. Later the yellow and white flower was connected with Easter, the Christian celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. In Wales, where the daffodil is the country’s symbol, people believe that if you find the first daffodil in the spring time, you will be very lucky all year round.
Daffodils, spring flowers

Effective remedy of daffodils

The scent of daffodil oil cannot leave you untouched. The flowers may be white and yellow, yellow and orange. Strong stalks hold star-shaped flowers and the leaves are light-green. In spite of being beautiful, daffodils may cause a headache if left in a non-airing room. The plant is poisonous and may paralyze the central nervous system of an animal which eats it. Despite its toxic qualities, daffodils have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. The pounded bulbs were used to heal the wounds and treat hysteria. It was also an effective remedy for epilepsy. People cured even baldness. The plant has been widely used in perfumery and cosmetics nowadays.

Daffodils - an ideal gift

If you want to give daffodils as a present, give a bunch of them. It will bring good luck. 


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