Pork Recipes: Pork in Orange Sauce

We all know we need healthy and nourishing food. Lazy to cook? In a hurry? Takeaways are not the only way out if you want to surprise your guests who are eager to visit you in an hour or so.
Pork in Orange Sauce
If you are a lucky owner of a slow cooker, known as an electrical Crock-Pot/multicooker, you can make delicious pork in orange juice. You will need:


400 g – pork
150 ml – water
100 g – oranges (pulp only)
100 g – dried apricots
30 g – honey
salt, pepper


1. Wash meat. Cut the meat into small cubes (2cm).
2. Cut pulp into cubes (1.5-2cm).
3. Cut dried apricots into slices.
4. Put all ingredients into a slow cooker. Add water, honey, salt and pepper. Stir the mixture.
5. Put the lid on. Choose the program “Slow Cook”. Choose “60 min”.
6. While waiting prepare baked potatoes to serve the main course.
7. Enjoy!

If you are interested in salads, why don’t you learn about the Greek Salad on http://ideasntravelling.blogspot.ru/2017/01/greek-salad-recipe.html
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