4D Motion Theatre

typical 5D seating
Nowadays we cannot imagine our life without 3D movie technology which is based on stereoscopic vision.

What is a stereoscopic vision?

Look at any object beside you. Close your left then right eye in turns. What can you see? Right, the view of one and the same object is a bit different because our brain combines the two images together. This combination allows us to see in 3D which stands for three dimensions.

3D film technology

Today computer generated images are produced to copy the effect of the stereoscopic vision by using polarized light.

diagram of the 4D theatre

4D, 5D or 7D

While Europe and America are enjoying 4D motion theatres, little Russian towns are getting acquainted with 5D, 6D and 7D motion boxes. What’s the difference between all of the “D-s”?

A marketing tool is the answer. This approach focuses on a one-way sales push and relies on reaching high numbers of customers to guarantee success. You are supposed to see, hear, smell, touch and taste in 5D movie, for example.

Inside 4D Motion Theatre

All 4D motion theatres usually have seating with motion effects, water jets, 3D screens and air blasters. Surround sound and special effects make you feel like you are inside the virtual world. The film you choose usually lasts for about 5-8 minutes. Is it addictive? Well, it depends only on you.

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