Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom comes in with struggle

The legend says that wisdom comes with age. The practice shows that wisdom teeth come in with struggle much earlier than the wisdom may ever appear.
Wisdom Tooth the Rebellion

Wisdom Accommodation

Lucky you are if you have enough accommodation in your mouth for the wisdom teeth, known as the last permanent teeth to erupt.

Wisdom Location and Promises

Wisdom teeth hide below the gum line and when it is time for one of them to impact the mouth, the gum begins swelling. It might even show up a bit as if giving some promises to grow up as the rest not wise teeth of yours.

Tooth Extraction

Don’t wait till your jaw begs for mercy. Visit your dentist who will recommend the best way of getting rid of your wisdom tooth. A routine procedure includes anesthesia, lots of repeated questions “How do you feel?” and the tooth extraction.
Wisdom Tooth

What is next?

At this point your torture doesn’t finish. After bleeding is stopped, you feel relieved. However, the anesthesia stops its great work and you realize that you have never felt such an absent-toothache in your entire life. You remember the prescribed painkillers and wish them to save the life of the person without any wisdom.

First 2-3 days you cannot eat hard foods. Not because you are stuck to some healthy diet, simply your jaws won’t open wide. You may loose on weight, you may sleep badly. You may think why on Earth wisdom teeth behave in such a silly way…

Luckily your oral health is not affected in the future. However, be ready for some inconveniences like face and neck swelling, even bruising. The less you look inside your mouth (when the jaws agree to it), the calmer you are. Certainly, if you are interested in what you have to experience, ask your dentist. Do not google otherwise you might get scared even more than you are now.
Chammomile Tea


Chamomile infusion eases gum swelling and chamomile tea reduces stress. 



  1. Well said man, really like the way you explained the topic. Also you can give a look here:
    Wisdom Teeth Removal

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. There are some important aftercare measures that need to be followed religiously to avoid wisdom tooth extraction complications.


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