
Showing posts from 2014

Time Travelling

Time travel is one of the most attractive things which may happen not only in science fiction novels or films but also may take place in reality according to David Lewis, a prominent American philosopher of the 20th Century. His daring mind led him to one of the most logically consistent ideas of his generation. “Time travel, I maintain, is possible. The paradox of time travel are oddities, not impossibilities”. To explain David Lewis’s view of casual loops we should touch upon such a notion as Causal Reversals that leads to the possibility of Causal Loops. According to Dr.Alasdair Richmond’s video lectures on, there are two types of time: external and personal. Causal reversals become possible when the orders of these kinds of time disagree. It means that in cases of travelling back in time, personal time continues to progress from earlier stages to later ones while external time progresses in its own direction as well. Thus, we may travel back in time an

Humans and the divine in Bacchae

One more time about the course of Mythology J Among reading tasks and watching special videos, the participants of the course were to fulfill writing assignments. My peer evaluator shared his/her view upon my work in the following way: “The essay answers question 4 by giving both a general reasoning supplemented with specific examples. I also found the way the student weaves in structuralist and functionalist arguments very well thought out. Although answering such a broad question as this would seem to pose a great difficulty, the student manages to be succinct in a very coherent and easy to understand way. Strong writing style, no grammatical or spelling mistakes. The student chooses very interesting and relevant points, both from the reading and from her/his understanding to make the point. The lines from the Bacchae chosen to supplement the argument are interesting and on-point. Again, wonderful use of tools from the mythological tool-box: gave both a structuralis

Time in the Odyssey

This article may be considered as a continuation of the previous one. As I want to share some thoughts about such a notion as Time in the Odyssey, a perfect epic which depicts a long full of adventures returning home. It is common knowledge, the Odyssey is written by Homer, an outstanding Ancient Greek poet. We can see an imaginable marble portrait busts of Homer in such famous places as the British Museum or the Louvre Museum.  Homer, the Louvre Museum The Odyssey is an epic, a long narrative poem, the events of which take 40 days. The wanderings of the main character, a Greek king of Ithaca, named Odysseus, lead the poem along a route where divine inspiration is woven into the human fabric and experience of the poem. Such a literary technique as a frame story is obviously used in the Odyssey. The frame begins with an invocation to the Muse by a poet, who claims he saw nothing, though he simultaneously summons inspiration from Zeus’s daughter who saw everything (Zhu

Online Course Greek and Roman Mythology

Approximately 11 weeks ago I signed up for a 10-Week-Course of “Greek and Roman Mythology”. Over this amazing online course, the participants were examining the fascinating myths of the Ancient Greeks and Romans through close reading of primary texts (Homer, Hesiod, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Vergil and Ovid). Thanks to Dr. Peter Struck and his colleagues I was able to reconsider my views upon mythos using various theoretical approaches as tools for a better understanding how myth operated. Studying, as well as travelling, always proves on a good saying “Live and learn!” And in this case, we dealt with a journey through time and space.  If you are interested in discovering the world and various cultures, no matter how old they are, this course will be a brilliant opportunity to study or to reveal mythos.

Mexican June Salad

All over the world Mexican cuisine is well-known for its taco and burrito. However, there are plenty of various dishes put aside by their popular “cousins”. Traditionally most Mexican salads, for example, include beans. No wonder, because Mexico belongs to Top Ten countries producing beans. The recollection about Mexican salads inspired me to create a so called June Salad .   This is it. It is healthy and delicious! This salad makes an excellent side dish, or a main dinner salad. Especially when served over quinoa or with a sprinkle of cheese over the top.       Time: 20 Minutes      For 3 persons            Ingredients:       2 boiled eggs     2-3 cucumbers     150 g of ham     400 g tin of red string beans prepared in their own juice.     2-3 tablespoons of cheese sauce       pepper and salt (if needed) according to your taste Ingredients Directions: 1. Put red string beans into a bowl.  2. Cut boiled eggs, ham and c

Russia Day

Russian Flag with Coat of Arms If you find yourself in Russia on 12 June, you are sure to celebrate a national holiday named ‘Russia Day’ with the rest of its population. It has become a tradition to celebrate it since 1992 in the Russian Federation. 12 June is a state holiday, however, you will have no trouble to buy food or drinks as only state offices are closed on this holiday.   Russian Souvenirs How do people celebrate Russia Day? All over the country people celebrate this holiday by attending concerts, fairs, amusement parks, cafes. They go on picnics and watch fireworks. Of course, every person chooses his own way of celebration. There are lots of cheerful merry people walking along the streets since the very morning due to the spirit of some well-known traditional Russian spirit. Luckily such participants don’t make the majority of the population. Russian Souvenirs Russia Day is another nice holiday in this country after Victory Day a