
Showing posts from January, 2014

Simple Ice Cream Recipe

People bring from different countries not only souvenirs but also recipes of more or less exotic dishes. Today I want to drop a line about the ice cream which I tried in Israel and how to make it at home. Of course, every cook has his own secret and we cannot reveal the original recipe.  All we need for cooking you can easily find in your kitchen, if you are not a bachelor, though I doubt whether bachelors ever read this blog… So, for two portions you will need: - 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, - 2-3 beaten egg yolks, - 2.5 cups heavy cream, - 2/3 cups white sugar, - liquid choco, muesli for decoration. Method: - Stir sugar and cocoa together in a bowl. - Add egg yolks and blend the mix. - Put cream little by little, beating properly after each addition. - Place the mixture into small cups or special dishes for ice cream. - Leave the mixture to cool for an hour. - After cooling decorate the ice cream with chocolate and muesli. - Enjoy yo

Roslavl, British School = Рославль, Британская школа

We all know that the world doesn’t consist only of modern megapolises like Moscow or Hong Kong. In spite of the fact, that such still individual capitals like Paris and London attract millions of tourists, there are some faithful travellers who are keen on small settlements and towns. As you know, the soul of the country lives in its population that is not always met in huge cities. Roslavl was founded by Knyaz Rostislav Mstislavich Smolensky in 1137 The town of Roslavl, situated in Central Russia, was founded in 1137 by Knyaz Rostislav , regardless of this fact the town has not become a very important one. It is turned out to be an average provincial town with a census-estimated 2013 population of 53.025. Thus, among 10 municipal schools, there are quite a lot of educational and sports centres there. The land of Roslavl gives the country good students, Olympic champions, brilliant professionals. Several old factories, which give the working life to the town, serve the rea

Russian Herring under a Fur Coat Salad Recipe

Herring is a wide spread ingredient in cuisines of numerous countries. If you are lucky to visit Russia on New Year holidays you would be eagerly treated by a traditional salad with herring called a Russian Herring under a Fur Coat Salad or simply ‘Shuba’. This salad has got quite a long history. It first appeared in 1919 in the Soviet Russia.  Once upon a time there lived a merchant named Anastas Bogomiltsev. He was an owner of several taverns, in Russian “traktir”, that were situated in Moscow and Tver. To reduce the number of drunken fights his cook Aristarkh Prokoptsev created a new recipe of a nutritious salad.  It contained useful ingredients that prevented haunters from getting drunk very fast. Luckily the idea was a success. The salad got even the political-oriented abbreviation of Sh.U.B.A. that sounded like the Russian word “shuba”. (It means a fur coat.) The abbreviation itself can be translated as the Boycott and Anathema to Chauvinism and Decadence. As you