
Showing posts from May, 2016

SACRE-COEUR BASILICA Paris (the Sacred Heart Basilica)

If you stay in Paris for a couple of days, the Sacred Heart Basilica should certainly be in your tour-list. Sacre-Coeur Basilica Built between 1875 and 1914 on the hill of martyrs or Monmartre, the Basilica was consecrated in 1919. The place is also known for the first bishop of Paris, Saint Denis, who was decapitated for his faith in the third century A.D.E. For more than 125 years the Sacred Heart Basilica is a unique place of perpetual Eucharistic adoration, night and day, in Monmartre. Sacre-Coeuer Basilica in Paris Interesting facts about the Sacred Heart Basilica The cost of construction was to be paid by the faithful through an initial subscription allowing each subscriber to buy one stone. Depending on how much had been paid, a stone was inscribed with the donor’s initials. Saint Denis is the patron saint of Paris along with Sainte Genevieve. After being decapitated Saint Denis is believed to stand up, lift his head from the ground and walked with

The Cultural Significance of Cherry Blossoms

Cherry, Sour Cherry or Prunus cerasus Cherry, Sour Cherry, Prunus cerasus Sour Cherry or Prunus cerasus is a tree growing to 4-10 metres tall. It has white blossoms with 5 sepals, 5 petals, 15-20 stamens and one pestle. The fruit has a sour-sweet taste. Cherries contain organic acids such as citric, malic and succinic. The fruit is rich in macro elements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium) and micro elements (copper, iron) and vitamins (A, C, B2, PP, P). Fruits of cherry are usually served fresh. However, they can be used for producing juice, fruit wine or jam. Cherry, Cultural Significance of Cherry Cultural Significance of Cherry Some botanists say that the Sour Cherry is the result of cross-breeding of Sweet Cherry and Steppe Cherry. The breeding could happen in Macedonia or in the North Caucasus long ago. The Greeks recognized Sour Cherry in 300 B.C.E. The fruit was also known to the Old Romans who brought it into the British Isles about 1 cen

Minsk, Belarus, the capital of Belarus

Belarus: Minsk, the capital Minsk, Belarus, by Tatiana Vetrova Minsk is the capital of Belarus. Situated on the Svislach and Nyamiha rivers, Minsk is a wonderful place to visit. Numerous sights, museums , concerts halls, sports centres and plenty of other attractions await you there. Minsk was founded in 1067. Actually, the first historical references date back to the eleventh century. Minsk was mentioned as a small town included into Polotsk’s principality, an important administrative centre.  Minsk faced a lot of historical events Belarus, Minsk The capital of Belarus has always remained an important cultural, economic and political centre. Throughout the centuries the city of Minsk was under the rule of different states like the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth or the Russian Empire. In spite of that the city continued to develop and prosper. Unfortunately, Minsk was bombed on the first day of the WW2. Further military actions led to a nearly complete destructi

Was ist Feuer? Das Feuer - ein von Grundelementen (Что такое огонь?)

Was ist Feuer? Что такое огонь? Alles Leben ist abhängig von den Grundelementen unserer Welt: Luft, Feuer, Wasser und Erde. Was ist Feuer? Feuer ist eine Naturerscheinung unserer Erde. Die ersten Feuer auf der Erde entstanden auf natürlichem Wege durch Vulkane und Blitze. Feuer hat dem Menschen Licht und Wärme gegeben, aber auch die Mӧglichkeit, Speisen zu kochen und wilde Tiere abzuschrecken. Heutzutage kann Feuer auch Maschinen in Bewegung setzen. Raketen, beispieleweise, werden mit der Kraft von brennendem Treibstoff in den Weltraum geschossen. Feuer als chemischer Vorgang Das Feuer ist ein Oxidationsprozess, bei dem sich Flammen bilden. Bei der günstigen Bedingungen, beginnt eine Kettenreaktion, die das Feuer aufrecht erhält. Feuer kann so heiß sein wie eine Schmelzofen oder so ungestüm wie eine Rakete, qualmig wie Nebel oder gleißendhell wie ein Feuerwerk. Das Feuer braucht drei Dinge Fast alle Materialien und Gegenstände konnen brennen. Drei Dinge allerdings

Wieviel Sprachen gibt es in der Welt?

RUND UM DIE WELT Wieviel Sprachen gibt es in der Welt? Amsterdam Weißt Du, wie viele Sprachen gibt es in der Welt? Die Zahl ist sehr groß, so gegen 5000 Sprachen. Davon sind etwa 1400 Sprachen auf der Erde kaum bekannt. Leider, viele Sprachen sterben nach und nach aus. Europa In Europa spricht man gegen 120 Sprachen. Die meisten Sprachen unserer Welt sind klassifiziert. Sie gehӧren zu verschiedenen Familien und Gruppen. Zum Beispiel, Deutsch gehӧrt zur Gruppe der germanischen Sprachen. Dazu gehӧren auch Englisch, Norwegisch, Schwedisch, Dänisch und noch einige andere Sprachen. Russisch gehӧrt zur Gruppe der slawischen SPrachen. Da gibt es Polnisch, Slowakisch, Bulgarisch, Weißrussisch, Ukrainisch u.s.w. Wieviel Sprachen gibt es in der Welt? Berlin Deutsch Viele Menschen in der ganzen Welt lernen Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Insgesamt ist Deutsch die Muttersprache für etwa 100 Millionen Menschen. In mehreren Staaten Europas spricht man Deutsch: in Deutschland, selbstv

Freezelight Light painting for beginners

Freezelight Light Painting work by Tatiana Vetrova All you need is… Freezelight or Light painting is a light painting technique which needs no image editing software. All you need is a light source like a small flashlight, a camera with freezelight controls and a tripod to prevent your picture from shakes. Eagerness, patience and a jolly mood are most welcome as well. Important settings for freezelight (light painting)  ISO To make sure your camera can freeze light, first, find ISO on the screen. It shows how much your camera is sensible to the light. Taking photos in low light needs higher light sensitivity. That is why for the technique of freezelight ISO should be less than 100. (ISO is usually rated as 80, 100, 400 and so on.) Freezelight ISO Exposure time Shutter speed “ or the exposure time is a period of time in which you take a picture. Sometimes you need only 10 seconds for a simple smile or a pretty curve. More complicated drawings need longer

Museum of the 1st Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party

1st Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party House Museum Walking in the vicinity of the Victory Circus in Minsk , in Nezavisimosti prospect, you can come across a one-storey green building situated among high trees. It is a house-museum. Its full name is the 1st Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party Museum. House-Museum of the 1st Congress of RSDLP in Minsk Architecturally the building is quite typical for Belarus and some parts of Russia. The original house once belonged to Frantishka Rzhetskaya, a pole noblewoman. It was located a bit farther from the River Svisloch than it is now. Being inhabited till 1942, the historical value of the house was recognized in 1923, after 25 years since the first Congress of the RSDLP. The secret Congress of 1898 resulted into the creation of the first Social Democratic Labour Party. Although only one member belonged to the working class, the party gained its popularity and political influence. 1st Congr

City Scales in Minsk, Belarus

Location of "City Scales" Walking in the Upper Town of Minsk, the capital city of Belarus, you are sure to see an amusing “City Scales” sculpture. Situated in Liberty Square, in other words Svobody Square, this piece of art has been a tourist attraction only since 2014. City Scales in Minsk Composition of "City Scales" “City Scales” is a sculptural composition which shows us the way of weighing goods near Minsk Town Hall of the 16th century. If there occurred weigh misunderstandings, any dweller could ask for a fair measurement at the Town Hall City Scales.  Nowadays the “City Scales” sculpture depicts two dwellers and a Town Hall representative.  The figures appear really realistic. Looking at the crooked bag of one of the man you can imagine how heavy the bags are. Tiny details of the outfit add much to the image of the old Minsk city life.  City Scales in the Upper Town of Minsk You can also see plaques with important notes which few t