
Showing posts from January, 2017

Banana Cream Recipe

Eat a banana! Cheer up! The combination of vitamin B6 and some other hard-to-be-pronounced elements in a banana helps our body produce a natural chemical called serotonin. With its numerous useful qualities serotonin is also able to allay depression. Rich in vitamin B6, potassium, fibre, magnesium, calcium and iron, bananas contain zinc, copper and almost no fat. What is more, eating a banana reduces the risk of heart troubles, heart attacks or strokes not love affairs ;) A banana may be a great addition to any dessert from fruit salad to smoothie. Here is a simple recipe of Banana Cream . Banana Cream INGREDIENTS 1 cup milk or kefir 200 g cottage cheese 2 bananas candied fruit (to your taste) DIRECTIONS Blend milk, cottage cheese and bananas. Pour the mass into cups. Add candied fruit. Enjoy your meal! Coming in a variety of sizes and colours bananas are not only yellow. There are green, brown or red bananas. Cretan bananas are famous for

Russian Christmas: Why on 7 January?

Many acquaintances of mine still wonder if I ask them not to congratulate me on Christmas in December. They cannot realize that Russian people do not celebrate Christmas Day on 25 December. Well, now I am going to tell you a story… Russian Christmas Once upon a time there was the Russian Empire. In the XIX century it had lots of Christmas traditions similar to European. However, after the Great October Revolution of 1917 there happened plenty of changes. Some changes concerned the calendar. The Julian Calendar was replaced by the Gregorian Calendar. Thus, Christmas Day was removed from 25 December to 7 January. The former Christmas customs and traditions were banned as the official policy of atheism was discouraging any religious praxis. Thus, a Christmas tree became a New Year tree, St. Nikolaus turned into Grandfather Frost (Ded Moroz) and the star of Bethlehem on top of the tree was replaced by the Red star. The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 but the New Year celebrati

Greek Salad Recipe

The traditional Greek salad which you can order in Greece includes tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese, onion, olives, salt, oregano, olive oil and a piece of Greek sun. “Greek Salad” in other countries may also contain a bell pepper, lettuce and lemon juice. Today I want to share the recipe which I use when I recollect my Greek holidays.  For 3 servings you will need: INGREDIENTS 3 tomatoes 2 cucumbers 1 onion 1 bell pepper 200 g feta cheese 200 g olives 3 tablespoons olive oil head lettuce salt, pepper and lemon juice (to your taste) DIRECTIONS Wash vegetables. Cut coarsely tomatoes, cucumber and bell peppers (putting away the seeds). Slice onion. Let it soak for 10 min in a bowl with cold water. Put some leaves of lettuce on a flat dish. Make dressing out of olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Put ingredients into a bowl, except feta cheese. Toss with dressing. Put mass onto the flat dish covered with lettuce. Ad