The Right Meeting in Time

While the year 2020 was more appropriate for shock and stay-at-home-or-die mood, travelling turned into a taboo luxury. All we can do is hope for better days yet to come, fortunately or unfortunately.

However, life goes on, and we continue facing new challenges, learning to live in a new remote reality and meeting people more online than offline.

Here are three short stories to share. 

Story 1. I wish I could read a personal profile

Love is beautiful - smiling, laughter, a loving thrill of the heart, excitement. However, the fairy tale requires hard work. What if at a meeting with a new person who could potentially become the love of your life there were opportunities to view his/her personal file, like a profile of a character in a computer game? Could this help later avoid unnecessary acquaintances and any related hassle?

For example, the file would introduce not only the positive aspects of a person (loving, tender, great hugger), but also the essence of his daily habits which don't coincide with yours, the perception of his own "I", as well as reveal the mental characteristics (both inherited and acquired) of himself and his (numerous usually) relatives. 

In this case, the classification of a new acquaintance as a "friend", "the love of your life" or "pain in the ass" would occur in a matter of minutes instead of spending most of your life on a type that does not fit into it at all.

Story 2. Don't take it to heart too much

This is a positively charged statement sounds friendly, but in most cases it does not work for the addressee. Where is the distance between the mind and the heart that does not allow an important event, occupation, task, etc. to shake your nerves or affect your mood too much? 

After all, if there is something important waiting to be realized here and now, then you are ready to get out of your skin to fulfill it… in spite of the fact that you might end up with sedatives. Responsible people are not a success otherwise. Because if you don't do it with a safe conscience or put it off for another day, that same conscience will keep you awake, and a new day will add new troubles.

"Don't take it personally" is a useful tip from those who want to encourage, based on their own experience. Over some time any task may seem like just a small thing. This is also a vain phrase from those who do nothing at all and do not suffer from any perfectionism or other “ismus”.

Story 3. Way too much

The year 2020 will certainly be remembered as the weirdest year in the second decade of the century. With the global pandemic and the global economic crisis, the year taught us to eat tinned meat and other canned or dry food, which you grabbed in a panic for a couple of months in advance.

Fear, panic, adjustment, apathy, news on TV, fear, panic, adjustment...

I hope that after some time we will all boldly advise each other not to take anything to heart too much and the positively charged statement will finally work. In the meantime, keep on washing your hands and wearing medical masks...


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