Russia Day

Russian Flag with Coat of Arms
If you find yourself in Russia on 12 June, you are sure to celebrate a national holiday named ‘Russia Day’ with the rest of its population. It has become a tradition to celebrate it since 1992 in the Russian Federation. 12 June is a state holiday, however, you will have no trouble to buy food or drinks as only state offices are closed on this holiday.
Russian Souvenirs
How do people celebrate Russia Day?

All over the country people celebrate this holiday by attending concerts, fairs, amusement parks, cafes. They go on picnics and watch fireworks. Of course, every person chooses his own way of celebration. There are lots of cheerful merry people walking along the streets since the very morning due to the spirit of some well-known traditional Russian spirit. Luckily such participants don’t make the majority of the population.
Russian Souvenirs
Russia Day is another nice holiday in this country after Victory Day and New Year which unites the whole nation. You will notice that this is quite a positive factor to have such readiness and eagerness to celebrate with all heart all calendar holidays here. 

Have fun on Russia Day!


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