Quito: the sunny capital of Ecuador

Quito, the city of high altitudes

Quito is the capital city of Ecuador. Located about 2.850 meters above sea level, the city is full of modern and old buildings, green spots and market stands. The altitude is quite a trouble which you can get used to in a couple of days. At first you would likely feel out of breath and your heart would beat faster than usual. In spite of that, the city is very lovely. It is the second biggest city in the country. It is famous also for being within about 1 km of zero latitude. Here you can see the monument dedicated to zero latitude.
Monument to Latitude Zero

Weather in Quito, Ecuador

Besides, it is just 25 km of the equator. That is why there is no distinct winter or summer. There is always mild warm weather. You can wear a T-shirt and shorts all year round without thinking about buying a pair of winter boots. The people are nice and polite. They mind their own business. You wouldn’t be asked for money in the street or you wouldn’t be stared at what you are wearing.

Ecuadorian empanada

Empanada - Ecuadorian pastry

Empanada is a traditional stuffed pastry which you can try at numerous cafes of Quito. Ecuadorian empanadas may differ from the ones made in the rest of Latin America. They usually stuffed with rice, peas, beef or eggs, cheese and Ecuadorian shrimps. It is a must to try when you are in Quito, almost in the middle of the world :) 


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