Firewalking in Bulgaria
The Sacred bonfire
Firewalking is a well-known ritual in many cultures. It has been practising for centuries in such places as India, Bulgaria, Polynesia, South Africa etc.
As we know, fire is a symbol of the sun and light, the hearth and home. It is also connected with goodness and evil.
Fire gives strength and purifies one's soul. In Bulgaria there is a great opportunity to meet Nestinarstvo, an ancient ritual of a barefoot walk on smouldering embers by nestinari. Traditionally it is performed on the day of Sts.Constantine and Elena. Though, nowadays, you can see it more often as it takes place in some areas specially for tourists.

When you stand and watch the ceremony, you can hear the sound of the sacred bagpipe and the beat of a drum. The firewalker appears with an icon in his or her hands. (Both men and women can be nestinari.) The prayer is said, the dull fire is scarcely visible in the dusk. A traditional horo dance is done till the embers remain. The fire-dancer makes an ember cross, then an ember circle. The drum and bagpipe continue sounding. All this grabs your attention completely. The heart beats swiftly. Finally the nestinar starts his firewalking! You are astonished, you want to prevent him from doing it or to scream, because you are scared. It is so vivid and emotionally coloured. Unbelievable! A human being walks over hot embers. In about 10 minutes the ceremony comes to its end. However, it is enough for recollecting it for the rest of your life. The drum and pipe are still in your ears, even in your dream at night...
Of course, there is a scientific explanation of this phenomenon. Certainly, seeing is believing. But admit, it is boring always to know the explanation for everything. Life is too short not to have a piece of miracle in our too modern and too busy world.
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