The Adolphe Bridge in Luxembourg

Must see in Luxembourg

Built between in 1900-1903 the Adolphe Bridge is a symbolic construction of Luxembourg. You can find the New Bridge (that’s the very name given to the bridge by the locals) in numerous postcards, T-shirts and mugs at any souvenir shop and you will do right if you buy any of these tourist little things to remember Luxembourg by.

Adolphe Bridge in Luxembourg

The Adolphe Bridge recieved its name from Grand Duke of Luxembourg reigning from 1890 to 1905.

A guide will tell you that the Adolphe Bridge is 42 metres high and 153 metres long. Even though you are likely to keep these figures in your mind just for a few moments, just imagine that at the beginning of the 20th century the Pont Adolphe once was the largest arch bridge in the entire world!

Best place to capture a scenic view

Well, the best place to take pictures of the bridge is near the Monument of Remembrance in the Constitution Square in Luxembourg. The Monument is also known as “Golden Lady” because on its top there is a sculpture of a golden woman, Nike, the Greek Deity of victory, with a golden laurel wreath in her hands.

The Adolphe Bridge connects two main parts of the city: the Upper City and the Bourbon plateau.

These days the bridge is being under rehabilitation works. It will be open for road traffic soon, in 2017.

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