When home is not so sweet

Running dogs “Home sweet home” is almost the first phrase that comes to your mind when you arrive home. New emotions to share, new photos to be thumbed up… Living in the old appartment house Everything goes fine if you live in a cottage, somewhere in the countryside free from blocks of flats with thin walls. What I want to say is that I am really glad for those lucky ones who are not woken up by the cacophony of a neighbour’s TV every morning, a raging pee sound in the next door bathroom, loud hippo-like voices talking on the phone for hours. What discomposes more Stress surrounds us everywhere. After a working day plenty of people find home the very place to relax and escape from hustle and bustle. As for the dwellers of a flat, it is not quite possible. Old flats with brick walls without any noise isolation open a new world of Neighbourland. Don’t you like watching TV? You have to listen to it. Don’t you want to listen to your neighbour’s singing? You have to e...