
Diamond Ring


  • Diamonds are not only a sign of pure luxury but also the strongest minerals on our planet. 
  • The most concentrated form of carbon creates rough diamonds which later become gorgeous pieces of art. 
  • The most popular shape is round.  
Diamonds and Roses 


  • Judging by historical writings on jewels, the polished diamond in our current understanding appeared about 5 centuries ago.
  • Bruges, Venice, Amsterdam and Paris are claiming the right to be called the HOMELAND of the polished diamond.
  • Diamonds are very old. They are older than dinosaurs! The oldest is more than 3 billion years old!
  • Kimberlite is a vehicle for diamonds. It is a volcanic rock often formed in the shape of a pipe going vertically down. They are younger than rough diamonds.
Bracelet with small diamonds


While buying a diamond you may follow two strategies: emotional and commercially feasible. Sometimes it is love at first sight, you see the ring of your dream and buy it without much thinking. The second one is an investment approach. Here you should be careful: 3 carat diamond is already a good investment. Mind the 4Cs as well...


Cut: to maximize your budget, to invest successfully, you'd better choose the highest diamond cut grade you can allow. Ask an assisteant for "Very Good" or better cut grades. 
Light reflection in a round diamond

Color: the less color, the better. Colorless or Near-Colorless are the most valuable.
Round diamond

Carat: the bigger, the more expensive. 2.9 crt diamond for a ring looks just the same as 3 crt to the naked eye. 0.1 will save you quite a lot.
Clarity: the less inclusions, the better. Choose VS1 or higher grades.
+Shape: diamonds can be of classical or fancy shapes. They are of round, cushion, princess, emerald, oval, marquise, pear, heart...cuts.
Diamond Shapes

+Certification: gemmologically tested diamonds are always highly-valued. That is your guarantee of a good purchase. Mind that the GIA laborotary is highly respected among the others. 
Diamond is the best gift


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