The Right Meeting in Time

While the year 2020 was more appropriate for shock and stay-at-home-or-die mood, travelling turned into a taboo luxury. All we can do is hope for better days yet to come, fortunately or unfortunately. However, life goes on, and we continue facing new challenges, learning to live in a new remote reality and meeting people more online than offline. Here are three short stories to share. Story 1. I wish I could read a personal profile Love is beautiful - smiling, laughter, a loving thrill of the heart, excitement. However, the fairy tale requires hard work . What if at a meeting with a new person who could potentially become the love of your life there were opportunities to view his/her personal file, like a profile of a character in a computer game? Could this help later avoid unnecessary acquaintances and any related hassle? For example, the file would introduce not only the positive aspects of a person (loving, tender, great hugger), but also the essence of his daily...