Gel nail polish at home

My Back Story Since childhood I have been paying attention to other people’s hands, especially to their nails. It may sound creepy but I still remember the hands of some of my classmates and school teachers. A brief look at a person’s hand gives me quite an image of his/her personality. Neat, beautiful or untidy and ugly fingers, fingernails say a lot about their owner. It doesn’t have anything in common with chiromancy or any other “–ancy”. Let’s skip to the end of the story “How I see through people by looking at their hands”. Here we go. Gel polish at home. First, you need to prepare your nails. Clean and well-shaped nails with pushed back cuticles will do. Next, make sure you have bought a gel nail polish kit. It consists of a few basic things like: - 36W LED lamp - buffer - rubbing alcohol (or nail cleanser) - lint free wipes - primer - base coat - gel polish of your favourite colour - top coat - wood cut...